Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Survey i said

This is not simple, mainly on the analyzing of the data. Ok, what I want to do is something like this: Collect data, analyzing data, and conclude. I will do the last 2 parts, and you guys will just help me to collect data, I need as much as possible.

1.) What data to collect?(tentatively)
Year of admission, department admitted, UEC full results, SPM full results(if applicable), first choice at the time of application.

2.) How to collect?
I need accurate data. If the person cannot remember exactly his results, don't take his data. And, I need digital data=). I dun care how you get the data, just key it into database, which i think it will be convenient if the database is in our server...But I have to get opinion from Kian Zhong la.

3.) From who these data from?
For anyone who is admitted into NUS using UEC results. Thats mean majority of them would be AMCISA members. But if you know someone who is not our member, but he/she use UEC result to apply, you can ask him/her to help.

4.) Summarizing data
My job too. Basically just find a best way to summarize all the data collected. Maybe one or few graphs, or any other means necessary.

It may or may not be enough until steps 4. I'd prefer to continue until steps 6(below), but it also seems to me that, it's enough to just present the summary of the data, and let those who read the data interpret the data as they wish.

Below is what I will be doing if further analysis is needed.

5.) How to do the analyze?
To be frank I dun have a clear way to do it. But it's more or less playing with the data, and try to figure out the relationship. I will not go into details of the analysing, but if you want to know how will i do the analysis, feel free to ask me, here or elsewhere.

6.) Conclusion of the results
Related to the analyzing. Please be noted that, this might be a failed survey. It may be cause by too little data collected, or there is actually no relationship between the data.

So, 4/6 steps end our survey, depends on what you guy think. I'd prefer 6 steps one, as summary of data always misleading. But another problem comes in if you do the analysis: you might give wrong interpretation of the data...So, ALOT EXTRA WORKS will be needed if you wan to do the analyzing.

Think, and question me about this survey. You can question anything about this survey, including the way I wan this survey to be. Really, anything, just question. I will answer.

P/S: Statistics is fun=) taking experimental physics now, and im going to use alot of stats!=)))

Just to remind myself: Night cycling march 6, next meeting 11th feb

Saturday, January 9, 2010

HOHOHO~Happy Chinese New Year!! ♥


预计人数:nus50, ntu80

先来个programme flow..
Date: 6th Feb 2010
Time: 6pm-10pm
Venue: Comm Hall 15, NTU

时间 进行项目
6.00-6.40 (40min) 接待,登记,进场,自我介绍,各桌GL带Ice breaking (NTU负责)
6.40-6.55 (10min) 开幕
6.55-7.25 (30min) 大组破冰( NUS负责)
7.25-7.40 (15min) 捞鱼生
7.40-8.40 (60min) 上菜,用餐,包括自由中场休息上厕所
台上表演(NUS – 10mins)
(NTU – 10mins)
台上游戏 (NTU负责 – 30mins)
8.40-8.50 (10min) 大组游戏讲解,移桌椅
8.50-9.10 (20min) 大组游戏 (NTU负责)
9.10-9.30 (20min) 大组游戏 (NUS负责)
9.30-9.50 (20min) 闭幕
9.50-10.00(10min) 清场,自由拿联络方式,欢送NUS朋友们离开

• 筵席上菜方式
• 一次过上完菜肴(5 minutes)
• 10桌,一桌13个人
• 一边共餐,一边看表演,一边玩台上游戏

• 每人在登记后,直接依照自己的组别进场入座

• 在黑暗中亮大红灯笼仪式
• 刺破一串气球(鞭炮)

• 大合唱新年曲
• 群体跳舞

1.大组破冰 (30mins)

财政: 可扬(做财政预算)
文书: 馨蕊
康乐: 汶烈 慧敏 馨蕊 宇森(负责大组破冰以及大组游戏)
布置: 键中 谨(协助NTU场地布置组 (自行与NTU进行联系)、制作海报、找一位司仪(男女皆可))
总务: 炜璋 可扬(准备器材)
交通: 丽霞 诗林(准备来回NTU的巴士 (联络可以问member outing的交通组))
摄影: 炜璋 鸿达(准备摄影机,狂拍!!!)

康乐们~大组游戏有个game suggestion,请看!(和去年的很像~)
CNY “Gambling without Cash” Session
Style : Booth format
Chips : Using peanuts or whatever cheap and good source. Everyone should be given same amount of chips at first.
Prize : Gather peanuts to bid for price as they did during the Pgp Carnival, or maybe prepare some smaller stuffs such as Can Drinks, New Year Cards.
Reason: I would say that we had enough of “group game” to know each other, as for diversity we may offer several tables of “gambling booths” as we always did during Chinese New Year. It’s all good and healthy by not using cash.
Problem: Not sure if there is enough time to play such game, and that we need certainly more booths to make it nice. I will check if time can be prolonged for such activity.

What games can be played?
Big Small – light and easy
Black Jack – slightly tougher
Cow – more maths
Texas Poker – more brain power

Maybe more tables of same games to spread the crowd?
Not hard, anyone can be a dealer, ~to explain the rules, and give out the cards =)

Materials: Decks, “Chips”, “Prizes”



*非常鼓励大家自行影印或抄下programme flow~~~*

MUakssss ^@^

Yours sincerely